Lapland’s Arctic conditions differ greatly from the mainstream. The Northern weather and surroundings create a unique environment that encourages new ways of thinking and approaching situations.
Lapland has a proper winter, a long summer, snow for 200 days a year, sunlight around the clock in summer, and colourful Northern Lights in winter. Temperatures range from 30 degrees in the summer to -35 degrees in the winter.
Because the seasons are constantly changing—and there’s a big difference between early winter and late winter—it’s said that Lapland has eight seasons, not just four. Because the weather can vary greatly in a short amount of time, preparation is key. History has taught the people living here to adjust to the changing seasons by, for example, preserving food and altering their clothing.
– Planning comes naturally to us, because nature teaches us how to plan and prepare for what could happen. Sometimes there’s no chance to stay and ponder, you have to act, explains Henri Toppala from BRP Finland.
These conditions inspire the creation of new solutions, and they also provide sustainable growth in business operations. BRP Finland, manufacturer of motor-operated recreational vehicles, thrives off of Lapland’s Arctic environment. Not only do they rise up to the challenges that the nature in Lapland presents, they set global industry standards at the same time.
– BRP was the first company to add extra lights to a snowmobile. The idea came from the lack of light in winter in Lapland, but now it’s the standard in the field, explains Henri Toppala, BRP’s Manager of Accessories, Parts and Gear, and the person responsible for following industry trends and demands.

Nature teaches us how to plan and prepare for what could happen.
Despite the Arctic conditions, which can be harsh and difficult at times, accessibility to and in the region is excellent. Internet coverage is wide, connectivity is great, and there are numerous airports close to the biggest city centers. Lapland is the world’s most accessible Arctic region, which greatly strengthens exports and imports.
The nature and surroundings also work wonders on the well-being of workers.
– If the time spent after working hours isn’t pleasant, the next day at work is going to go badly. It’s a cycle. We work so efficiently here because people feel great.
Due to the cold and snowy winter and unique locations, Lapland is an excellent environment for winter testing, for example, tires and vehicles, and Arctic research such as weather phenomena and Northern Lights.
Not all Northern regions are created equal. Lapland has a long winter, an advantage when testing products for an Arctic environment. Even the BRP offices in Canada does product testing in Lapland because the snow stays for longer, says Toppala.
Lapland’s unique conditions spark innovations in many different fields and industries, such as programme services in tourism and the construction industry. All sectors benefit from the advantages of Lapland’s conditions.
Lapland's business environment
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